Surrendered Desire Read online

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  “Little bird, you’re mine.” He insisted.

  “I don’t belong to anyone. I spent the last five years belong to a man, living my life for a man. I don’t want to move to New York and make the same mistakes again. So I can’t give you ownership of me.” Leslie insisted. Even though she wanted to give him what he wanted she couldn’t make the same mistakes again.

  “Little bird I am not him.” Lex insisted.

  “It’s not about Jason. It’s about the person who I became after him. I would like to try to be independent. I’m already on my way there with a job. I don’t want to be at anyone’s beck and call.” Leslie insisted. She moved away from his arms and stared at him making sure he understood.

  “I haven’t demanded anything yet.” Lex insisted even though he knew he would. He’d never felt like she’d made him feel. He wanted her, to keep. The decision stunned him almost as much as her insistence that she didn’t want to be owned. He’d never felt the urge to keep a woman before. They all knew the score. He’d slept with them, made sure they were very happy and then he’d left. No attachments, no feelings but something had been different with Leslie from the first time he’d seen her. He wanted her for keeps and ironically she seemed to want to be treated like every other woman. He stared at her face, trying to decipher what he could say to make her stay. He’d never had to beg a woman before. It was strange to have the urge just beg her to stay. Lex frowned in thought as Leslie sat at the far edge of the bed putting distance between them.

  She hugged her knees and pretended that the distance between them didn’t physically hurt her. She had no idea when she’d gotten an attachment to Alexander. It was just sex for goodness sake. Earth shattering sex that had shifted her entire universe. No man had touched her the way he had. No man could compare to how he’d made her feel and she had a feeling no man ever would. Still was she really ready to dive right into another serious relationship.

  “I don’t know if I want to be with someone seriously. It’s too soon. You make the earth move when I’m with you. But I’m not ready to dive in.” Leslie said quietly. For a man like him, he decided what he wanted immediately but she needed a bit more time.

  “I want you. You’re going to have to think about that. I’m going to give you time to decide. Come on, I’ll take you home.” Lex knew that she didn’t know what she wanted. He was not going to force it. Not with someone as fragile as as she was.

  “Okay.” Leslie said. He was giving her time but her emotions where in such a turmoil that she didn’t know if it was possible.

  The next morning she was still in a daze as she made her way to the library. She walked the sidewalk paying only passive attention to the scenery before her.

  “Shit!” She screamed as something small ran into her.

  “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry.” A girl squealed. Not a girl, a tiny woman who seemed to be vibrating with energy.

  “I’m so clumsy. I didn’t see you. Sorry. I was more interested in the library.” The girl gestured helplessly towards the big building.

  “It’s fine. I wasn’t really paying attention either.” Leslie laughed, rubbing her arms where the woman had hit. They made their way to the building.

  “Do you work here? I’ve never seen you around.” Leslie asked. She stared at the woman. Beautiful auburn hair that waved slightly, slanted almond eyes. She was a looker. She exuded light and bubbly energy that immediately made her likable. She grinned and Leslie found herself grinning back.

  “No. I just moved here. I’m staying with a friend, I work at the café next door but I’ve been meaning to check the library out. It’s such a fantastic looking building. I thought it was only for the rich and famous, y’know? My friend told me this morning that it was free to everyone as long as you registered. I guess my excitement got the best of me but I am obsessed with books.” She laughed.

  “I’m Leslie Evans. I work as an assistant to the head of the library.” Leslie offered knowing she’d see a lot more of the woman. Her bubbly energy had helped dispel some of the doom and gloom she’d been struggling with.

  “I’m Nora Ashford.” Nora smiled as they walked into the library.

  Chapter Ten

  Charlie cornered her with Kay and Celine in the lunch room.

  “We have a new regular.” Celine announced. She was happiest when new people found the library. Kay nodded. She too had met Nora. She liked her.

  “Speaking of regular are you and Lex becoming a regular thing?” Charlie asked. The other girls waited with bated breaths. It was obvious that was why they had come.

  “We went on a date.” Leslie started, wondering if she could open up to these girls. Her sister she could but these girls. She smiled. They were amazing and if her sister could trust them, so could she.

  “And?” Kay asked.

  “We had sex.” Leslie sighed remembering just how good it felt to touch him, to be with him.

  “And? Stop being coy.” Charlie rolled her eyes, exasperated.

  “It was the best sex I had ever had in my life. Seriously all the five years I spent with Jason I have never had an orgasm that good. Multiple times.” Leslie gushed. The girls smiled among themselves and laughed.

  “Okay then why have you been mopey all day? You’ve barely says two words and the only time you smiled was with Nora. Something is up sis. I want to know what? Did he hurt you?” Charlie asked quietly. Leslie sighed. Her sister still knew her even thought they’d been apart.

  “He wants something more.” Leslie said quietly. All at once, all the uncertainty of the night before flooded her. She bit her lips in thought and shook her head.

  “You don’t? I know it hasn’t been that long since Jason.” Charlie said immediately understanding.

  “Who is Jason?” Celine asked with a frown.

  “He is my ex. I was with him for the worst five years of my life. I gave up a lot of things to be with him. When I came to New York I promised myself that I’d learn to be independent. That I wasn’t going to give it all up all over again for a man. With the way I feel about Alexander, I worry that’s exactly what’s going to happen. He wants me to be his.” Leslie explained.

  “And being his is exactly the same thing as being with Jason? That’s a pretty big leap to make considering that you’ve only known Alexander for three weeks. Did you ask? What it meant to be with him that is.” Kay asked.

  Leslie paused. She’d been so against the hydra that she hadn’t really considered what it meant. What did being with Alexander mean? She was worried about losing herself when she was with him but had she ever felt lost by his side? She frowned in thought.

  “You can’t make this decision on your own. You need to talk to him.” Charlie said.

  Leslie nodded. She had to speak to him.

  “I’ll talk to him.” She agreed.

  “That’s good. You’ll have the opportunity to shortly.” Kay said quietly.

  “What?” Leslie asked confused.

  “He walked in a few minutes ago. It’s why we came to find you. I think he wants to see you. Asher is just an excuse.” Kay nodded towards the door as voices floated from the room outside. Asher and Alexander walked into the room and somehow everyone left, leaving them to the room.

  “I couldn’t stay away.” Alexander said.

  “I have been thinking about you all day.” Leslie said on a rush.

  “Little bird. You’re killing me.” He said, softly stroking her cheek. She dipped her face into his palms and saw her anguish reflected in his gaze.

  “I don’t want to. What does it mean to be yours? To be with you.” She asked. Hoping that he had some magic words, the right answer. She didn’t know what it was.

  “It means that you will look at no other man but me. I know a bit about your past, I know you moved here looking for a fresh start. Whatever that is I want to be a part of it. I want to care for you, provide a safe space where you can be yourself, where you can trust me with your pleasure knowing I’d never hurt you. I kn
ow that type of commitment scares you, so we’ll take it slow. It is a hard thing for me to admit but thinking of my future without the miracle of you in it seems bleak. It might be too early to say these words but I cannot stop thinking about you. You invade my thoughts. You invade my dreams. I love you. I think my heart was waiting for you and now it has found you.” Alexander said.

  “Oh Alexander. I feel lost without you too. But I also have to find me for me. I want to get back into school. Maybe open my catering company. I’m not asking for permission.” Leslie states clearly. She wanted to make sure he understood that she wasn’t going to pander to his whims.

  “You don’t need my permission to live your life. I’ll encourage where I can. I’ll step back where you ask me too. The only aspect of our lives I’ll demand obedience is in the bed room. Anywhere else you’ll do as you please and it will please me too.” Lex smiled indulgently.

  Leslie grinned at him. Okay so maybe she’d gone off the deep end and thought the worst but here was an amazing sexy man who was willing to give her room to grow and gave her the best orgasms. How could she turn him down?

  “You know if you don’t want him you can just give him to me.” A voice chimed in. Leslie turned to face Nora who had somehow found her way to the kitchen doorway.

  “I was looking for the bathroom.” She explained with stars in her eyes.

  “Ha! You know what? I’ll keep him. Alexander, I love you too.” She smiled at Lex who looked halfway between amusement and desire. His eyes flared at her declaration.

  “Give us a minute will you?” He asked Nora. Who nodded pink-cheeked and left. With a growl he advanced towards Leslie. He didn’t say anything, didn’t need to as he showed her just how much he loved her. He crashed his lips to hers and thrust his tongue down her throat like he couldn’t get enough of her.

  “I can’t wait to have you again. I need you. Right. Now.” He picked her up and carried her over to the next room.

  A storage room with a huge desk right in the middle of it. Hmmm. How perfect Leslie thought to herself as she glanced around while he set her in front of it. Their eyes locked and she felt her need sliding down her thighs she was so wet.

  “Turn around and pull up your skirt.” He demanded.

  She did so and he didn’t waste any time ripping off her panties while he placed a hand on her back and pushed her face to the desk. His foot kicked her legs apart and he stood back.

  “I don’t think the view gets better than this.” He stepped closer and his hand connected to her ass with a slap.

  “You have been a bad little bird trying to stay away from me.” He slapped her ass again and again as Leslie squirmed and moaned against his ministrations.

  “God your red ass gets me so hard. I love to see that pink pussy peeking out between your red ass cheeks.” She heard his belt loosen and her pussy squeezed with anticipation.

  “Oh yes my baby bird. I am going to fuck you now!”

  She moaned his name as he took her against desk.

  “You’re mine.” He growled as he surged into her, giving her body the orgasm it craved.

  “Yes!” She screamed. Surrender had never been so good.

  My Free Gift To You!

  Get your free copy of “A Strict Lesson” today!

  Rule #1: Never get involved with a student.

  Professor Patel Park knows better than to risk his career on a student. It was right there in the rules; rule number one, to be exact. So what if it was his own personal rule? But when Tatiana Edwards enters his classroom, he knows things are about to heat up. Because she’s attractive as can be and there’s a look in her eyes begging him to dominate her.

  Tatiana wants to seduce her anatomy professor.

  Tatiana isn’t happy about her unexpected move, but when she meets her new anatomy professor, she can’t stop thinking about him. She can’t stop imagining him taking control and taking her. Is he the kind of guy that’s into all the dark things she wants? Or is he as vanilla and boring as most of the guys that try to come on to her?

  There’s only one way to find out!

  I hope you enjoy the story!

  Stay Sexy and Sassy,


  About the Author

  Eliza Quinn lives in the Midwest with her husband and two boys. She’s loved reading since she could hold a book and has spent many a sleepless night reading just one more page. Now she has channeled that joy of reading into writing and hopes to provide you with many sleepless nights too.

  She wants people to laugh, smile, and sigh as they fall in love with her characters. She wants to write books that make people feel. When she’s not writing, she’s reading or trying to keep up with two boys and a husband as incorrigible as the children. And she loves every second of it.

  I’d love for you to stay in touch with me. Send me at [email protected].

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  Other Books by Eliza

  I’ve listed the books below but you can see them all easy when you click on my Amazon Author Page.

  Desire Series:

  Controlled Desire - Book 1

  Unleashed Desire - Book 2

  Bound Desire - Book 3

  Surrendered Desire - Book 4

  Concealed Desire - Book 5 July 30, 2020

  Fated Desire - Book 6 August 6, 2020

  Strict Series:

  A Strict Lesson - Book 1

  A Strict Hunger - Book 2 Coming Fall 2020

  A Strict ???? - Book 3 Coming Fall 2020

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